+91 8553278699 info@kidsportz.in

6 Yrs Specialist Sport Skills


Our coaching techniques are aimed at catering for a growth in maturity, self confidence and skill level.

  • Children start to learn to work in pairs and in teams e.g. passing and catching with each other
  • Games that are basic and structured are introduced
  • Coaches help develop the chore elements that makes working in a team effective eg running in to spaces to receive a pass, anticipating the next move, planning the next stage in the game etc.
  • Learning to communicate with each other during an activity 
  • Helping others during a game or activity 
  • Learning and understanding the basic rules of an activity/sport 
  • Coaches are alert to helping children develop and maintain self confidence 

This Programme covers the skills of 8 different sports used to advance the following skills:

  • Eye tracking – using smaller balls and working in pairs and teams
  • Catching – with various degrees of difficulty and whilst moving
  • Throwing – sometimes whilst off balance
  • Movement and agility  – coaching of running technique becomes important at this stage as it affects the future involvement of each child’s participation in sport
  • Jumping – used in many of our activities but specifically Netball, Basketball, AFL and Movement
  • Balance – activities using our balance beams have a greater degree of difficulty
  • Fine and gross motor skill development becomes more advanced as the children have a greater experience in using use our unique gross motor skills matts 
  • Kicking and striking balls in real game time situations involving 8 different sports 

Kid SportZ is the best gift you can give your child