+91 8553278699 info@kidsportz.in

7 Yrs Specialist Sport Skills


Our expertise and experience is directed at coaching the children to: 

  • Complete activities in a set time frame – using real time sports activities 
  • Become more confident within their own ability range 
  • Consider others when we doing group activities
  • Understand that technique affects the result of all sport
  • Think about the process of an activity to be done
  • Understand how health and fitness is important in sport
  • Understand how to deal with both winning and losing
  • How to abide by rules and procedures
  • Test their skills learnt in actual sporting situations
  • Complete sequential tasks

Multi Sport Skills

  • Eye tracking – using smaller balls and working in pairs and teams
  • Catching – with various degrees of difficulty and whilst moving
  • Throwing – sometimes whilst off balance
  • Movement and agility  – coaching of running technique becomes important at this stage as it affects the future involvement of each child’s participation in sport
  • Jumping – used in many of our activities but specifically Netball, Basketball, AFL and Movement
  • Balance – activities using our balance beams have a greater degree of difficulty
  • Fine and gross motor skill development becomes more advanced as the children have a greater experience in using our unique gross motor mats 
  • Kicking and striking balls in real game time situations involving 8 different sport 

Our advice at this stage 

It is at this level where children start to enjoy some specific sporting skills and activities more than others

This is where our experience counts as we are now able to identify and advise parents on what step to take next – what sport or activity your child is most likely to enjoy

Kid SportZ is the best gift you can give your child!