+91 8553278699 info@kidsportz.in

5 yrs Multi Sports Skills


Highly recommended for younger 5 year OLD and those that have not completed the previous level of Skill Development should ENROLL for the 5 yrs Skill Development programme

We employ the following techniques in order to make each skill taught both challenging but achievable:
  • Catching – Using bigger balls
  • Hitting and kicking balls – Bringing the targets in closer
  • Single task activity at the beginning and gradually evolving to sequential task activity (but still kept simple)
  • Tasks are structured to be non competitive in nature and design
  • Each child has a name badge so feedback is individualised
  • Using simple and clear language that children of this age understand
  • Development of self confidence/working with others/persistance/listening and taking on advice/understanding success may take several attempts/self evaluation/positive behaviour techniques